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The sixth Global University Summit convenes in London

How can universities promote economic growth? The question is due to be addressed tomorrow. Plus a round-up of the week's events.

A busy week lies ahead. This evening the sixth Global University Summit will convene in London. Delegates will discuss the role of universities in promoting economic growth and are due to hear from speakers including: Vince Cable, the business secretary; Boris Johnson, the mayor of  London; Sir John O’Reilly, the director general for knowledge and innovation in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills; and John Sexton, president of New York University. We shall report from the conference tomorrow and possibly Thursday, when it is due to conclude.

The three-day annual congress of the University and College Union, a trade union, begins in Brighton tomorrow. Delegates will debate, among other items, an attempt to ensure that lecturers are treated as professionals. We shall report from the conference on Thursday.

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