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World Bank excellence scheme kicks off in west Africa

The World Bank expects to issue a call for proposals next month for the first phase of its Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) project. The call will focus on west and central Africa, offering funding to seven to 10 research institutions.

The ACE project was formally launched at the Association of African Universities conference of Rectors, Vice Chancellors and Presidents of African Universities (COREVIP) in Libreville, Gabon, last week.

Fifteen centres of excellence will be funded by up to US$8 million each: some institutions will qualify for two centres. Eligible countries include Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria Senegal and Togo.

The project’s objective is to promote regional specialisation among participating universities and strengthen their capacity to deliver quality training and research.

Competitively selected institutions will receive support to strengthen their post-graduate training, offer courses for industry professionals and improve faculty and attract top-level staff. It will also let institutions give labs and classrooms a makeover, establish links with companies and government agencies, and collaborate with partner institutions to share the benefits of the investment.

“We are really excited about the project as it marks a new approach to higher education in Africa aiming at attaining a higher level and doing so through regional collaboration. It marks a new commitment from the World Bank to support ambitious change in higher education in Africa,” says Andreas Blom, the World Bank official in charge of the project.

Delegates at the COREVIP conference from east and southern Africa raised concern that they would be left out of the project, at least initially. The World Bank says it may consider extending the project to these regions in three to five years.

Information about the call is expected to be posted on AAU’s website within the next two weeks, including a proposal template, evaluation guidelines and draft project documents.