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Consultation shows backing for Clean Sky 2

There is widespread support for Clean Sky 2, the aeronautics Joint Technology Initiative to be included in Horizon 2020, according to the results of a European Commission consultation.

The consultation report states that 94 per cent of respondents agree that a public-private partnership under Horizon 2020 is appropriate to support research in the industry.

Overall, the majority of respondents said the focus of Clean Sky 2 should be on large-scale demonstration of promising flight technologies.

The Commission launched the consultation in July 2012 to collect opinions on its proposal to continue the original Clean Sky under Horizon 2020. The majority of people that replied to the consultation had been involved in the aeronautics PPP under Framework 7, and included representatives of large industry, SMEs and academia.

According to the consultation responses, the PPP under Horizon 2020 should be more focused on large industry participation, in preference to SMEs, public research organisations and universities. However, the report acknowledges “this may have been a direct reflection of the participant profile”.

In addition, comments indicated that more flexibility is required for companies to engage at a later stage of the programme and for medium-sized industry to be better involved, states the report.