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Intel celebrates 25 years of R&D in Ireland

Intel has become the largest industry investor in R&D in Ireland, spending more than €8.2 billion over the past 25 years on microchip-wafer manufacturing facilities, the company has said.

The firm has spent as much as €3.65bn since 2011 upgrading its wafer-fabrication activities based in Leixlip, County Kildare, it said in an announcement marking its 25th anniversary in Ireland on 27 March. Intel’s spend in the three years since 2011 has been considerably higher than the €500 million for upgraded manufacturing facilities that the firm announced in 2011.

Construction activity at Leixlip supports 5,000 jobs but Intel’s permanent employment levels stand at 5,200 including 4,500 at its Leixlip site. The company also has offices in Shannon, Belfast and Cork.

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