Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions for Ukraine scheme to allocate €10 million top-up
The EU has opened a funding call to support 50 more Ukrainian researchers, using a previously announced €10 million funding top-up.
Opened on 5 August, the call from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for Ukraine scheme will accept submissions via an online portal until 5 September.
MSC4Ukraine is a dedicated fellowship scheme, established in 2022 to provide support for displaced researchers in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion of the country. It is part of the EU’s broader MSCA scheme for doctoral and postdoctoral training and placements abroad.
On social media, the European Research Executive Agency administering the scheme said: “In our unwavering commitment to stand with Ukraine, we will support 50 additional researchers, including PhD and postdoc researchers, to continue their work safely across the EU”.
The scheme is implemented by a consortium comprised of Scholars at Risk Europe, the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the European University Association.
These groups are holding information session webinars for the call on 8 and 28 August. Evaluations will take place from October to February 2025, and the fellowships are expected to start from April next year.