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University system needs centralising, says report

Universities should work together to teach individual subject areas across fewer institutions, to improve the quality of research and teaching in Finland, a report has recommended.

The number of teaching units across all universities should be decreased from 272 to 140 to reduce fragmentation, the report suggests. Finland has fallen behind its competitors in innovation and research, and more streamlining is needed to catch up to countries like Denmark, it states.

The report, called Innovaatioiden perusta murenee – yhdeksän ehdotusta yliopistojärjestelmän korjaamiseksi, gives a total of nine suggestions to help the university system become more efficient. The report was published on 20 March by the pro-market think-tank EVA, and was written by the rector of Aalto University in Helsinki, Tuula Teeri, and Arto Mustajoki, dean of the humanities faculty at the University of Helsinki.

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