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Umeå to take part in global climate report

Umeå University is one of 16 organisations participating in the Lancet Countdown initiative, which aims to compile scientific knowledge on climate change into annual reports.

The Lancet Countdown project was launched on 14 November at the United Nations COP22 climate summit in Marrakech, Morocco. Main partners include the UK’s Wellcome Trust and The Lancet medical journal. The initiative aims to follow and report on climate change and how it affects human health, publishing its findings annually in The Lancet, in conjunction with the yearly UN climate conference.

Maria Nilsson, co-author of the Lancet Countdown and a researcher in Umeå’s department of public health and clinical medicine, said that the reports intend “to inform and provide decision-makers with a basis to act more swiftly and with a more powerful policy against climate change”.

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