Today we have added the ability to comment on articles to Research Professional. Now the hundreds of thousands of researchers around the world who rely on us for news and views can debate with each other, at the home of research policy.
Research Professional has a fantastic range of users. Our subscribers include around 300 universities plus many government agencies and other organisations from around the world. Those universities include around half of the world’s top 200 (whichever ranking you choose). Tens of thousands of researchers regularly receive email bulletins from us and an order of magnitude more check out the website.
But until now, it’s all been one-way traffic. We write, you read. Today that changes with the introduction of commenting on all our articles. Now you can write back in seconds. You’ll need to sign in with your username and password. This means everyone commenting here is rigorously authenticated to a university email address and we hope to avoid the problems associated with anonymous commenting. It’s easy to get an account, or to recover your password by email if you’ve forgotten it.Today, we’ve started a discussion on how to optimise your submissions to the UK’s Research Excellence Framework.