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Tackle reasons for lack of women in science, government told

The UK government needs to take action to bring down cultural barriers for girls and women in science through changes to education and workplace policies, according to a report from the ScienceGrrl group.

“The education system and cultural environment are deeply flawed, putting up barriers for girls that are so familiar they have become invisible,” the group says in its report, Through Both Eyes. The report, launched on 31 March, makes 11 recommendations for government departments and other public bodies.

The first recommendation, relating to children’s toys and clothes, is that a cross-party group be created to establish diversity guidelines for retailers and manufacturers. Other guidelines relate to rebranding science, technology, engineering and maths to break down gender stereotypes, showcasing female science role models, promoting mentorship programmes, training teachers to recognise and reduce unconscious bias, and improving careers advice and resources.

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