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Hinds: From junior minister to secretary of state in five months

Image: Chris McAndrew [CC BY 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons

The East Hampshire MP Damian Hinds, who has been appointed as education secretary in a meteoric rise, is seen as an advocate of equal opportunities.

Hinds was appointed education secretary on 8 January to replace Justine Greening, who resigned after being offered the post of work and pensions secretary. Hinds became Conservative MP for East Hampshire in the 2010 general election. His government experience is limited to a five-month stint as employment minister in the Department for Work and Pensions, which he took on in July 2016.

However, Hinds’s experience as a member of the House of Commons Education Committee and chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Social Mobility may prove helpful. His brief will include higher education; the government has confirmed that this policy area will stay within the department. He will manage Sam Gyimah, who was appointed universities minister on 9 January. 

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