Scientists are invited to contribute to peer-review discussions about funding of three major science-infrastructure projects by the Science and Technology Facilities Council.
The proposals due to be reviewed by the Projects Peer Review Panel on 20 and 30 April include an upgrade to A Large Ion Collider Experiment, or ALICE, at the Large Hadron Collider at Cern, the European centre for particle physics near Geneva; an Isol (isotope separator—on line) beam storage ring spectrometer, also part of Cern; and the development of detector systems by nuclear physics groups at the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow as part of an upgrade to the Jefferson Laboratory in the United States.
The panel, chaired by Paula Chadwick, professor of astronomy at the University of Durham, will meet at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Harwell, Oxfordshire. The project presentations are open to any scientist who wishes to attend, but the panel will meet in private.