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Finch among members of advisory group for Nurse review

Janet Finch, a sociologist at the University of Manchester, and Paul Golby, the chairman of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, are two of eight people from academia and industry who will advise Paul Nurse's review of the UK research councils.

The members of the group were announced by Greg Clark, the minister for universities, science and cities, on 26 February. The eight members are: 

  • Sushantha Bhattacharyya, the chairman of the Warwick Manufacturing Group and a founding member of the Council for Science and Technology
  • Muffy Calder, the vice-principal and head of the college of science and engineering at the University of Glasgow, and a former chief scientific adviser for Scotland
  • David Eastwood, the vice-chancellor of the University of Birmingham and the chairman of the Russell Group of research-intensive universities
  • Janet Finch, an honorary professor of sociology at the University of Manchester
  • Paul Golby, the chairman of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
  • Ottoline Leyser, professor of plant development and director of the Sainsbury Laboratory at the University of Cambridge, as well as chairwoman of the Royal Society Science Policy Advisory Group
  • Molly Stevens, a professor of biomedical materials and regenerative medicine at Imperial College London
  • Terry Wyatt, a professor of physics at the University of Manchester

In a statement, Nurse, the president of the Royal Society, said the group would “bring a rich range of expertise and experience” to the review. 

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