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Geochemistry centre opens at Nottingham

The British Geological Survey and the University of Nottingham have opened a joint Centre for Environmental Geochemistry in Nottingham.

The centre, which opened on 1 April, is directed by Melanie Leng, head of the Stable Isotope Laboratory at the BGS, according to an announcement from the Natural Environment Research Council. Leng will also hold a chair at Nottingham. Christopher Vane, head of the BGS’s Organic Geochemistry Laboratory, will be a science leader at the centre.

Projects and research priorities at the centre will include understanding ocean circulation, and modelling the roles of lakes and wetlands in the carbon cycle under different climate conditions. Work will be divided into three themes: reconstructing past environmental and climate change, the cycling of chemicals through soils and watercourses, and tools for researching the underground environment.

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