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Minnesota suspends enrollment in psychiatric trials

Following a report on the suicide of a patient participating in a clinical trial, the University of Minnesota has said it will stop enrolling patients in trials of psychiatric treatments.

Dan Markingson killed himself in 2004 while he was part of a trial of antipsychotic drugs at the University of Minnesota Hospital in Fairview. Known as the CAFÉ trial, it was sponsored by drug firm AstraZeneca. Markingson was at the hospital involuntarily, and although doctors said he agreed to participate in the trial, his mother had raised concerns with the university about his condition and his involvement in the study, before his death.

University president Eric Kaler’s decision to stop adding patients to psychiatry trials comes after the release of a report by the Minnesota state legislature. The report from the Office of the Legislative Auditor stopped short of saying that Markingson’s participation in the trial led to his death, but found conflicts of interest and criticized the university’s response to calls for reform.

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