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Australian Research Council: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers’ network

The Australian Research Council invites applications for its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researcher’s network grants.

These grants are available for funding national collaborative research networks led by Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander researchers. The specific objectives include: connecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers in Australia; building Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research capacity; encouraging young Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders to pursue research careers; undertaking integrated research programmes into Indigenous knowledge systems and increasing understanding of them; encouraging and facilitating international collaboration in Indigenous knowledge systems; gaining repute in the wider community.

Funding may be awarded to cover infrastructure, equipment, personnel, publication, relocation and travel costs, teaching relief and postgraduate stipends. Up to $800,000 per annum may be awarded for a period of up to four years. This award is in Australian research income Category 2.

View the full details of this call by performing a Funding Search for 1165916 in the Full Text field.