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RMIT head joins Asian Century advisory team

Margaret Gardner, vice-chancellor of RMIT University, Melbourne, has been named as one of three appointees to the government’s Asian Century Strategic Advisory Board.

The board will guide the progress of the plans set out in the government white paper on the Asian century, published in October.

In addition to leading RMIT’s Melbourne base, Gardner is chairwoman of the limited company that set up RMIT’s campus in Vietnam in 2000.

Hamish Tyrwhitt, chief executive of international firm Leighton Holdings and former managing director of its operations in Asia, has been appointed to chair the board. He and Gardner will be joined by Rebecca Dee-Bradbury, who represents Kraft Foods in the Asia-Pacific region.

The three new appointments add to the four existing members of the board, all of whom worked on the Australia in the Asian Century white paper. They include Peter Drysdale, an emeritus professor of economics at the Australian National University.