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CSIRO hosts biosecurity lab

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is hosting a government-funded biosecurity research laboratory.

The AAHL Collaborative Biosecurity Research Facility, which opened on 18 November, is based at CSIRO’s Australian Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong.

The facility allows Australian and international researchers to work together on projects of national importance, using the highest levels of biological containment.

According to Martyn Jeggo, AAHL director, the new facility will be used to investigate the origin and treatment of animal and zoonotic diseases–diseases that can be transmitted between humans and animals.

“This approach is becoming crucial with about 70 per cent of emerging diseases affecting humans originating in animals—including Hendra, bird flu and SARS,” said Jeggo.

The centre was built using an investment of AU$8.5 million from the federal government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy.

ACBRF is located within AAHL’s high containment facility and incorporates a linked Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Research Facility.