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Colin Macilwain leaves Nature for editor’s chair at ResearchResearch

Well this feels like a big day. I'm stepping down from being the Editor at ResearchResearch and Colin Macilwain's taking over.

In fact, it feels like such a big day that we’ve even put out a press release.

Colin (left) joins after fourteen years at the journal Nature, including five years as news editor.

Nothing’s happening until January, and even then I’ll still be writing. In fact, I’m looking forward to spending more time with my interviews. But it still feels strange.

In the press release, I say, “Colin is an inspiring journalist. He knows more about research policy around the world than almost anybody. His concern for accuracy, relevance and – ultimately – truth has been there for everyone to see week after week in Nature. He’s a leader and I’m sure our news, both on paper and online, will flourish under his guidance.”

And anyone who knows Colin knows that’s all true.