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TSB money

The government has clarified what exactly the Technology Strategy Board's £1 billion consists of:

  • £700 million to Technology Strategy Board – this is the TSB’s CSR settlement money for the next three years which would have been announced as part of DIUS’s overall CSR settlement next week. It is separate to the ring-fenced science budget, which was the subject of an early CSR settlement.
  • £120 million is money committed by the research councils earmarked to be spent jointly with the TSB. This money is part of the ring-fenced science budget’s CSR settlement, which was announced in March. The funding is over three years.
  • £180 million is money which will be earmarked by the RDAs to spend jointly on projects with the TSB. This is money that is part of the RDAs CSR settlement (being announced on Tuseday) and will be spent over three years.