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Welcome to the ‘You Are The REF’ blog

The site is open for business and you have no doubt been trying some scenarios to see if they make sense.

Playing with the data may sound like an odd suggestion for me to make. After all, isn’t using data very seriously our business? But we know that you need to see how the data ‘behave’. So, push the envelope and see if the model still produces a meaningful outcome. Try a tweak and find out how quickly it looks like garbage.

The debate about the future of UK research assessment will be a lot more productive if lots of people have a good feel for how the possible indicators might work, how they can be manipulated and what works for them. For the engineers we are fairly sure that the answer will look different from the biologists’ version.

The main site won’t be launched until next week and I will be posting a longer piece then. In the meantime, please post your comments here.

You Are the REF, so feel free to have fun.

Jonathan Adams
Evidence Ltd