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Council stresses integration of research and business

The European Council wants a stronger business angle in legislation for key enabling technologies and a proposed European Innovation Partnership on raw materials, according to Council conclusions published on 11 September.

The conclusions say that an integrated approach to KETs should focus on translating knowledge into innovative products. It emphasises that this approach should use public-private partnerships and venture capital instruments, and that KETs strategy should include plenty of opportunities for small businesses.

The council also mentions that business representatives should be included when the Commission appoints the steering group for the raw materials innovation partnership.

These conclusions were made based on a European Commission document called A European strategy for Key Enabling Technologies—A bridge to growth and jobs, which outlines “a single strategy for KETs to allow maximum exploitation of the EU’s potential in competitive markets”.

The European Innovation Partnerships were proposed in the Commission’s Europe 2020 strategy document published in 2010. The Commission is now implementing these initiatives, which aim to streamline the development and implementation of much-needed technologies.

The European Council’s conclusions will be presented at a meeting of the Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth on 13 September.