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Revised strategy will outline future of EU particle physics research

The future of the Large Hadron Collider, cross-discipline research and a much-needed facility for neutrino science have topped the agenda at an international symposium for particle physics research, which was held in Krakow this week.

The symposium provided scientists with an opportunity to discuss the progress of Europe’s particle physics strategy, which was put in place in 2007. The results of the meeting, which was coordinated by the council of Cern, the Switzerland-based particle physics laboratory, will feed into an update of the strategy, Cern’s council said. A revised strategy will be presented at a European Competitiveness Council meeting in May next year.

“The timing of the May 2013 meeting is important,” said Cern’s council president Michel Spiro. “Europe’s competitiveness depends critically on the strength of its science base, and particle physics not only forms part of that base, but also nourishes other areas of scientific endeavour.”

The scientists discussed what kind of programme could follow the Large Hadron Collider accelerator. Although the LHC is still in its early phase, preparatory research for a follow-up facility should begin soon to allow continuity, the scientists said.

The symposium also discussed European neutrino research, and what kind of facility is needed to support this field.