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Cooperation agreed with China on education, research and innovation

China and Germany have signed a cooperation agreement on higher education, research and innovation during a joint government consultation on 27 June.

The German state secretary for education and research, Thomas Rachel, and China’s science and technology minister, Wan Gang, signed a declaration of intent to create a joint innovation platform.

The platform will cover innovation research activities, including innovation indicators and guidance; cooperation on policies to increase innovation capacity and industrial research; and a yearly innovation conference, to take place alternately in Germany and China.

In addition, Annette Schavan, Germany’s federal minister for education and research, signed an agreement on higher education with Yuan Gueren, China’s education minister.

The two countries aim to involve 20,000 students and researchers in strengthened exchange programmes in the next four years.

They also aim to develop partnerships between higher education institutions; to set up a joint college for social sciences and humanities; and to increase the training of young scientists from both countries.

The deal includes specific agreements on vocational training, innovation for sustainable water management in China, and life sciences innovation.