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EU endorses new body to boost solar industry

Solar Photovoltaic Industry Alliance will develop action plan on issues including research and innovation

The EU has committed to setting up a new group to support the bloc’s solar-power industry, tasked with launching an action plan to cover issues such as research and innovation, skills and funding.

On 11 October, the European Commission announced it was “formally endorsing” the creation of the Solar Photovoltaic Industry Alliance, after setting out plans for it in May.

The alliance, whose aim is to increase the deployment of solar-power systems by improving manufacturing technologies, will comprise members from business, research institutions and other relevant sectors.

According to EU internal market commissioner Thierry Breton, its efforts will contribute to creating more than 350,000 jobs as well as to achieving the bloc’s renewable-energy objectives. It is also intended to help the bloc reduce its dependence on fossil fuels from Russia, which politicians have been keen to limit following the invasion of Ukraine.

A membership call will be published in November, with a launch expected by the end of this year.