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Bosnia and Herzegovina agrees to join Digital Europe

Image: sdecoret, via Shutterstock

EU programme will benefit country’s technology capabilities, says Commission

Bosnia and Herzegovina has signed an agreement to join the EU’s Digital Europe programme as an associate member.

The programme—which has a 2021-27 budget of €7.5 billion—supports infrastructure and other capacity development in supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and digital skills.

Joining as an associate member will allow people and organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina to apply to the programme’s open funding calls, the European Commission said as it announced the move on 14 May.

“This will bring Bosnia and Herzegovina closer to the EU economy and society, benefit their technology capabilities and support digitalisation overall,” said the Commission, adding that it would “complement” funding available through other EU programmes, such as the Horizon Europe R&I programme.

Small and medium-sized businesses should particularly benefit, it said.

Signed by EU internal market commissioner Thierry Breton and Bosnia and Herzegovina communications minister Edin Forto, the agreement will take effect retrospectively from 1 January once it has been ratified.