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EU support facility to examine cross-government R&D policy

Image: Nesta

Panel will deliver recommendations on designing national R&D strategies with a focus on sustainability

The EU has convened a panel to draw up recommendations on designing national R&D strategies that take a ‘whole-of-government’ approach.

Announced this month, the initiative is looking at how a whole-of-government approach can ensure R&D policies align with other policy areas.

It is part of the EU’s Policy Support Facility, which advises countries taking part in the bloc’s Horizon Europe R&D programme on their research systems, at their request.

The exercise “will support participating countries with identifying and exchanging good practices” and is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. The countries involved are Bulgaria, Finland, Malta, Romania and Slovakia.

The exercise also has a focus on sustainability and will deliver policy recommendations for designing national R&D strategies and plans that “foster the transformations of our key socio-economic systems towards sustainability”.

It is being chaired by Geoff Mulgan (pictured), professor of collective intelligence, public policy and social innovation at University College London, and member of the international advisory board of the European Parliament’s Science and Technology Options Assessment panel.

Mulgan was formerly head of the UK-based innovation agency Nesta. Before that he led a strategy unit in the UK government.