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UK news review of 2019

Our pick of Research Fortnight’s news over the past year

1. Ministerial merry-go-round in another spin as Skidmore returns


In September, Johnson was out again and Skidmore was in again, after turmoil in Westminster.


2. Smith-Reid review sets out future for UK research beyond Horizon

missingA long-awaited look at global links put the potential loss of EU funding in focus in November.


3. Election rivals agree on need to boost R&D funding

moedaAlso in November, the major parties all pledged to increase funding in exclusive letters to Research Fortnight readers.


4. Prime minister’s exit leaves universities all at sea

missingIn May, the future of research in the UK was plunged into further uncertainty following prime minister Theresa May’s resignation as leader of the Conservative Party.


5. UK exit from European institute sparks outcry

blankLeading academics condemned a government decision to give up the UK’s membership of an acclaimed pan-European research institute, questioning the legal need to do so.