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MPs to take evidence on government response to forensic report

The House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee will hold an oral evidence session on the government’s response to its report on the forensic science service.

In its response, published on 31 October, the government defended its decision to close the FSS and rejected a plea by the committee to extend the closure deadline.

James Brokenshire, minister for crime and security at the Home Office; Bernard Silverman, chief scientific adviser at the Home Office; and Andrew Rennison, the forensic science regulator, will give evidence at the session on 19 December.

In its 1 July report, the committee described the decision to close the service as too hasty and said the government should extend the deadline by at least six months in order to consult on and determine a “wider strategy” for forensic advice.

In particular, the committee expressed concern about the impact of the closure on research and development.