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MPs to investigate European and UK space agencies

The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee launched an inquiry into the European and UK space agencies on 14 February.

The committee is taking written evidence on the strengths and weaknesses of the funding, organisation and work of the European Space Agency and whether the UK gets good value for money from its ESA membership.

It wants to hear opinions on what the most effective governance regime of ESA might be, given that the European Commission said in November 2011 that it sees “structural obstacles in the current EU/ESA relations”. The select committee is also investigating the effectiveness of the EU’s support for research and innovation in the space sector.

The MPs want respondents to put forward their views on the effectiveness of the UK Space Agency, which was established in 2010, and how it could improve, as well as asking about the resilience of the UK’s space-based infrastructure.

Written evidence must be submitted before 12 April.