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Interesting if true

Back page gossip from the 26 July issue of Research Fortnight

Reverse Brexit Was Theresa May’s letter to Donald Tusk in March, triggering Article 50, payback for a reverse Brexit circa 410 AD? That seems to be the view of writer Terry Buckley. The author of Aspects of Greek History says Britain had been a member of the Roman empire for 363 years, had paid its taxes, supplied troops and had its natural resources exploited, when it appealed to the emperor Honorius to send troops to protect it from Anglo-Saxon raids. Honorius was none to pleased, saying in effect: “Look after your selves.” Rome exiled Britain from the empire, with no ‘divorce settlement’.

Hacked off Our sympathies to The Sun’s science correspondent who confessed at a packed gathering of science writers last week that scientists were refusing her requests for interviews. “Tut, tut,” said broadcaster Vivienne Parry, who urged scientists to engage beyond their comfort zones. But materials scientist and author Mark Miodownik was having none of this: “Science is political,” he exclaimed, adding that scientists have every right to withhold engaging with “biased” media.

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