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The challenge of a lifetime

Universities underestimate the impact of the Lifelong Loan Entitlement at their peril, says David Latchman

The Lifelong Loan Entitlement, set to be introduced by the government in 2025, will enable students to obtain fee and maintenance loans to fund and support four years of post-18 education, including short courses and modules, throughout their working lives. For the first time, lifelong learning will be integral to higher education, rather than an adjunct or afterthought. Universities that continue to treat it as a complement to current provision could be in for a shock. 

The LLE has the potential to fundamentally disrupt the tuition model that a lot of universities have thrived on for many years, while others that provide true lifelong learning have struggled at the margins. Instead of committing to study a full degree straight from school or college, students will be able to choose a short course or module and to dip in and out of education, updating their skills throughout their adult life. This will transform the way people study after reaching 18.

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