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Universities encouraged to share e-working experiences

 Image: sdecoret, via Shutterstock

European University Association suggests trading tips as staff and students switch to online working

Research and higher education institutions should adopt a spirit of collaboration over the move to working online in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Universities Association has said.

EUA has asked its members to trade tips on working online, as researchers, students and staff work from home as part of attempts to slow the spread of the disease.

“As universities adopt online alternatives to campus-based activities, EUA encourages members to share their experiences and solutions,” the association said on 24 March.

EUA stressed that “not all member universities across the continent are resourced to the same extent”, adding, “this is a time for generosity and solidarity”.

The association encouraged posting tips to social media with the hashtag #UniversitiesAtHome. It is also gathering best practices for doctoral schools under the hashtag #DocEdtogthr.